
Fun with Gifs: The Marian Virtues According to Saint Louis de Montfort

The 10 Marian Virtues According to Louis de Montfort (Or "Just for Fun, I Share How I Pictured the Marian Virtues Before I Learned about Them"):

1. Ardent Charity

Via bustle.com

2. Profound Humility

Via Giphy.com
3. Universal Mortification

Via Giphy.com

4. Constant Mental Prayer

Via Netflix
5. Blind Obedience

Via tumblr

6. Divine Wisdom 

The English major in me wants to correct his pronoun usage.
Via tumblr.

7. Surpassing Purity

Via nkayesel.com
8. Angelic Sweetness

Via tumblr.

9. Lively Faith

Via tumblr.

10. Heroic Patience 

Keep praying for Pope Francis as he travels to Philadelphia from New York, and stay tuned for more on the Marian virtues. My good friend Abby and I will be sharing our Marian Virtue Project with you shortly!

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